5 definitions by Tyrone112

The set of teeth human children bare before they fall out and permanent teeth grow in their place. Used as a metaphor for immaturity, naïveté.
Sam, you need to shed your milk teeth and stand up to your boss.
by Tyrone112 July 11, 2008
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The proper, but seldom used name for a Hawaiian shirt.
Yesterday I walked to the Aloha shirt shop and bought an Aloha shirt.
by Tyrone112 July 11, 2008
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That accessory costs three thou. Let's get it.
That automobile must have cost you a couple hundred thou.
by Tyrone112 July 11, 2008
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n. a hot latino. A phonetic portmanteau of "jalapeño" and "latino".
I saw a halatino walking down the street today!
by Tyrone112 July 14, 2008
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