2 definitions by TwitchyTeh1337

Celebrated on July 7th, we honor our nations soon-to-be-coming zombie attack, and watch our favorite zombie movies with pride. In which case everyone must remember that shooting or hitting zombies in the head is the only thing to stop them during an attack.

WARNING: Young children feel the need to eat the brains of small animals or other children.
Tom - "Hey, look it's national zombie day!"
Jeff - "Oh wow! Lets watch Dawn of the Dead!"
Tom - "Okay!"
Jeff - (shoots child in the head)
Tom - "Wow Jeff, you sure saved us on that one."
Jeff - "It was no problem."
by TwitchyTeh1337 July 8, 2008
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A day when we honor chicken, known on July 9th. Meat-eaters celebrate by eating chicken, and vegetarians celebrate by protesting the use of chicken as food. Farmers tend to celebrate by overfeeding their chickens.
Family Guy displays an unappropriated direction of National Chicken Day.
by TwitchyTeh1337 July 11, 2008
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