4 definitions by TruthInText

1) Without god(s)
2) Lacking the presence of or interaction with God or gods
3) Lacking the belief in God or gods
4) Lacking in morals, virtues or religion in general (particularly religions involving a God or gods)
That godless man has been consumed with undeniable bitterness, stubbornness and resentment of the faithful because he has nothing and no one to turn to that is greater than himself.
by TruthInText May 22, 2010
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Middle English word dating back to the early 1400s meaning "a dirty, untidy, or slovenly woman" which is also the origin of the modern word "slut" which means "a promiscuous woman."
This etymological association is likely due to the fact that promiscuity and filth were closely associated in times before contraception and modern hygienic practices were common. Also, prostitution was a profession undertaken mostly by lower class individuals living in poverty and thus associated with dirtiness so it was common for a prostitute to also be a slutte.
These associations can even be seen today in images of the modern "slut" which is usually portrayed in the form of a slovenly and scantily dressed woman.
A gentlemen should not care for a slutte as an acquaintance or neighbor, let alone for a wife.
by TruthInText May 22, 2010
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1) An individual who chooses to be abstinent in exchange for social rewards such as praise, social status, popularity or even monetary rewards in rare cases.

2) An individual possessing a flirtatious style, appearance and attitude normally associated with sluts, but remains dutifully committed to sexual abstinence.

3) An individual obsessed with abstinence usually due to a deep rooted fear, hatred or jealously towards sexual activity. Women tend to be fearful and men jealous.
Wow, that Stacy is showing off her purity ring again. What an abstinence whore.
by TruthInText May 27, 2010
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A set of political beliefs which should focus on stressing the following:

-Social government programs seeking to improve the quality and equality of life such as Health care and Welfare

-Heightened strength of federal government to keep differing state governments close enough together to avoid conflict

-Protection of Constitutional rights of ALL people (even those who are not politically liberal)

Unfortunately, it is now also known for the following:

-Anti-religious zealotry seeking to censor any mention of God, thus restricting free speech, but only for religious individuals.

-Anti-conservative bigotry that viciously mock and criticize conservatives simply because they have different beliefs.

-Radical homosexual propaganda that makes anyone who disagrees with "Homosexuality is natural, healthy and good for society" out to be some sort of criminal.
I don't know how to explain to my friends that I'm politically liberal but not a total lying bitch like Rachel Maddow or other famous liberals.
by TruthInText May 25, 2010
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