9 definitions by TrueVision20

A neurological disorder and condition that affected Jim Acosta in the 4 years of covering news and correspondence at the White House during the Trump Administration. Symptoms include burns in the butt-hole, rash, and difficulty in coping with Trump crushing criticism of Jim's propaganda. Complications include; ranting all over the news about he suffered during the Trump era, promises not to talk about Trump again but keeps talking about him which shows how its very difficult to get rid of the butt-hole burns Trump has caused him.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for such condition. However, it's avoidable. Avoid listening to CNN, Jim Acosta, or any libtrad leftist and their propaganda machine.
Jim Acosta: I am suffering from Post Trump Stress Disorder
American People: We don't care.
by TrueVision20 April 4, 2021
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Is a planned totalitarian doctrine adopted by the democracy-like government of USA under the Biden Administration in 2021 to impose and implement a mandatory identification system for the population to grant whose who got vaccinated against Sars-CoV2 to do about anything from normal daily life activities, e.g; movie theater, bar, 4th of July gathering, to watch sports games at stadiums, etc.

The plan poses a huge threat to privacy and liberty to the people of the free world. It is unfortunately supported by the anti-liberty socialists mainly represented now by the Democratic Party.
However, a strong resist exists from several States to prevent such system from being implemented in the Land of The Free.
- Did you hear about the vaccine passport they want to implement?
* Holy sh*t! What? That's gotta be a joke!
- No!

* I hope they never implement such a terrible thing that gives so much power to government
- I hope so too.
by TrueVision20 April 1, 2021
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Started after the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. It is characterized by wearing the mask just as a political statement and virtue signaling technique. People had been seen wearing their masks while they were by themselves driving the car and the windows closed. Politicians from around the world were seen on multiple occasions rushing and scrambling to get their masks own in front of press conference podium 20 seconds before being live on TV. President Biden had his mask on during a Zoom meeting with World Leaders few months after being inaugurated.

During the G-7 summit, some world leaders were seen masking despite all of them being fully vaccinated, taking photo-op while social distancing although moments later they were too close to one another. Some of the them were seen masking while standing in a room and then taking their masks off before sitting down.
Its all a shit show and everyone knows it.
- People wearing masks when there is not obvious reason to do that, why is that?
* Oh! This just a Mask Theater so they can feel self righteous.
by TrueVision20 June 29, 2021
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A derogatory term for communists. The origin of the word started early 1920s. It peaked during the Cold War. And it is still widely used until today.
-Have you seen the sign by that man in Des Moines, Iowa on September 23, 1959?
* Yes, I love it. It said: "The only good commie is a dead one". Reminds of real men who stood up to American liberty.
-Yeah, it makes the leftists pinko go crazy with their totalitarian political correctness indoctrination.
by TrueVision20 April 1, 2021
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Mainly related to the SARS-CoV-2 that started in Wuhan, China. The term was initially used by President Trump in March 2020. It received backlash from the left mainstream media as racist and xenophobic. However, it only meant the place of origin of the disease. Like many other infections, including but not limited to the Spanish Flu, German Measles aka Rubella, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). All these terms are not considered racists. Trump deliberately kept using it as the China Communist Party spread misinformation that SARS-CoV-2 was spread by the US Army.
-The China Virus also known as SARS-CoV-2 started in Wuhan, China
*Oh! I thought it was the US Army
- No bro, that's communist propaganda
by TrueVision20 March 21, 2021
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TDS, it's the acute onset of paranoia in leftists, democrats & fake news media triggered by any Donald Trump's action.
For instance, if Trump said the sky's blue, fake news media would discredit his statement, bring experts on their platform explaining atmospheric physics & that it's only perceived that way due to scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere & blue has the shortest wavelength.
Other example, if Donald Trump was caught drinking milk, fake news media will call him racist cause milk's racist cause it's white & not inclusive.
Biden experienced TDS when he called Trump xenophobic when Trump tweeted that he's closing the borders with China in the start of the pandemic.
TDS is also characterized by making things up on Trump like the Russia hoax & the Ukraine phone call.
Big Tech also fell ill from TDS early January 2021 when they banned Trump from their platforms after he allegedly was somehow accused of inciting violence during the storming of the US capitol incident. Despite the fact his speech few hours before never fueled any violence & neither did his tweets.
Democrats were quicker than speed of light in drawing up articles of impeachment although he already had less than 2 weeks in office, they were hoping if the new Senate impeached him, he won't be able to run again, as they'll always be afraid of him.
It's highly contagious infection, it's believed to transmit through brainwashing, being a leftist, democrat, watching leftists propaganda media like CNN
Leftist sheep: Did you Trump today he cited some statistics showing that the black community has very good employment numbers
Normal human being: Yes, that's a very good thing
Leftist sheep: Dude, what's your problem, these statistics are false.
Normal human being: Why? How so?
Leftist sheep: Because, math is racist you bigot! WTF!
Normal human being: Man you are experiencing Trump derangement syndrome ...("Walks away to avoid infection")
by TrueVision20 June 4, 2021
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Short for Liberal Retard. A privilege idiot left wing individual in the US who he/she thinks they know better than anybody else. They have been fed with lies from the left mainstream media and they just keep repeating these lies like parrots. They can't have a constructive argument or debate with conservative leaning people or even moderates. They usually start ranting when they fail with their ideas and call the other side of the discussions terms like; racist, bigot, and deplorable (a word newly added to their dictionary after it was used by Hilary Clinton).

They believe in stuff like free healthcare which is not true and is paid for by raising taxes on everybody and waiting in line for months to get an X-ray not to mention surgery. They also believe in the utopia of the green new deal and banning fossil fuel industry which will massively raise gas prices on low income and middle class working families, at the same time, they keep repeating the Nordic Model like Norway, although Norway mainly get wealth from oil and fossil fuel industry and have the most strict and toughest immigration system.

One can literally like several books on their idiocy.
-Libtard: We should ban fracking, fossil fuel industry
-Civil American: I believe we can surely invest in new options of energy but we can't ban that entirely. It will affect peoples' life and hurt the US economy
-Libtard: Noooo! you are deplorable. Ban it right now look at the Nordic Model
-Civil American: Actually Norway get most of their wealth from oil and investing in fossil fuel industries.
-Libtard (face turning red and shouting): You are a bigot and deplorable .. I can't believe I am even talking to an idiot like you .... (walks away from conversation)
by TrueVision20 April 1, 2021
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