3 definitions by Trea G.

To ejaculate in someones eye so they can only see white.
I told her "swallow or its going in your eye" She stopped so I gave her a whiteout.
by Trea G. December 1, 2007
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One who is overly obsessed with porn, where the person loses all contact with anything other than a magazine, video, or internet involving porn. Someone who would rather watch porn than do anything else.
Keller is the porniest guy I know look at his dvd collection.
by Trea G. December 1, 2007
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1.Using no foul language, yet still has an air of lewdness and vulgarity.

2.Keeping up a good look, yet still being able to keep tha pimp hand strong, or looking the part.
1.I swear I gave that girl a whiteout. It was ghetto clean.

2.That girl was ugly but she was ghetto clean.
by Trea G. December 1, 2007
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