9 definitions by TransMayernik

Motion sickness, or any other sickness, such as the flu, that induces nausea and vomiting.
Bob got the herky jerkies from riding in the back of the van.
by TransMayernik April 22, 2005
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Instead of a turkey club for lunch, Bob had a club sped and now has fish goo in his mustache.
by TransMayernik April 22, 2005
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n. Something unpleasant. This term implies that whatever it is refering to is as bad as being anally fornicated with a 'big rubbery one'.
"I just got two cavities filled today. That dentist visit was definately a big rubbery one".

"This 9pm class is gonna be a big rubbery one."
by TransMayernik July 13, 2005
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noun. Means to be stoned or baked. Comes from the glazed-over appearance that most who are stoned portray.
The crowd at Denny's at 2am on a Saturday morning is usually pretty frosted.
by TransMayernik November 29, 2005
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The term used to describe what happens when a clown gets diarrhea.
Bob the pedophile clown farkled his pants after eating a bean burrito.
by TransMayernik April 22, 2005
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n. A place, usually in suburbia, that's an over-populated dump. Most small-town apartment buildings can be refered to as such.
"Joe lives out in Ledbetter Heights"
by TransMayernik May 10, 2005
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The morning after a long night of drinking cheap beer, start 69ing with your hubby. Invariably, a very rank fart will develop. Right before orgasm, yell "Drive By" and fart right in her face, then unload in her mouth. This works best on one night stands with fat and/or ugly girls, because no girl you ever do this with will come near you again.
"Why's Laura washing her face?"

"Because Bob AK Sprayed her a few minutes ago."
by TransMayernik April 23, 2005
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