3 definitions by TommyCanYouHearMe?

When your girl acts vin"dick"tively toward you, just because she can.
Amanda has been unfairly punitive to Michael, often for reasons he isn't even aware of!
by TommyCanYouHearMe? January 2, 2018
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The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like—as if all your social tastebuds suddenly went numb, leaving you unable to distinguish cheap politeness from the taste of genuine affection, unable to recognize its rich and ambiguous flavors, its long and delicate maturation, or the simple fact that each tasting is double-blind.
My treatment-resistant depression coupled with the adronitis of being your friend has created for me a severe sense of mauerbauertraurigkeit.
by TommyCanYouHearMe? January 7, 2018
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A very freaky girl... a superfreak! Someone who only uses you sexually to fulfill her personal needs... her gross and kinky ones!
She was so very Amanda last night... she wanted me to bang her until her monthly uterine-lining fell out!
by TommyCanYouHearMe? January 3, 2018
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