5 definitions by TightBuns

To smoke pot. Developed loosely from the words "roast" (we roasted the whole bag last night) and "crucial" (seriously crucial weed).
My parents are gone, let's go to my house and rib the crib!
by TightBuns March 10, 2017
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1. Another way to say "idiotic". (If stupid peoples' skulls were coffee cans, you would be able to hear new thoughts rattling around in the empty space where their brains should be.)
Guy #1: WTF? I just asked the bartender for a shot of Jack and he gave me vodka rocks.

Guy #2: Dude is permanently rattleballs. We should ask for a pitcher of gin and see what he does.
by TightBuns March 29, 2016
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Making another Batman movie without Christopher Nolan is just stilly.
by TightBuns March 10, 2017
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Someone (usually a guy) that makes fun of people who express emotions, aren't physically strong, or are gentle in any way.
Joe Rogan's jokes are very pro bro.
by TightBuns April 8, 2017
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The process by which women keep their number of sexual partners artificially low.
Society has this slut-shaming thing that forces girls to re-title each of their one night stands as a non-countable fuck-and-forget.
by TightBuns July 9, 2016
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