4 definitions by TicklemeEmo
On a two lane limited-access freeway the "merge of shame" is where you are in the far left lane against the wall while a vehicle tailgates you. The car behind you accelerates to illegaly pass you on the right, changes lanes without signaling but before they pass and cut you off they are forced to get back behind you due to a SLOWER moving car in the right lane.
by TicklemeEmo October 21, 2005
I dated a girl from Flat Rock last year, she was white trash and her dad was a Walmart Wolverine. But at least she put out.
by TicklemeEmo October 10, 2005
To deny access:
1) When attempting to access a forbidden webpage
2) When attempting to perform a physical action
1) When attempting to access a forbidden webpage
2) When attempting to perform a physical action
1) Yeah, I tried to FTP that file, but got 403'ed
2) Yeah, I tried to have anal sex with Meagan last night but got 403'ed.
2) Yeah, I tried to have anal sex with Meagan last night but got 403'ed.
by TicklemeEmo October 10, 2005
1) I got these T-shirts 2 for $5 in the blue light special!
2) Marygene is today's blue light special!
2) Marygene is today's blue light special!
by TicklemeEmo October 10, 2005