5 definitions by ThomasCock

hate spelled backwards, not very commonly used as a formspring joke against people who need to laugh more.
by ThomasCock August 29, 2010
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1. Something that is totally ridiculous, but still awesome.
Did you see that guy try and joust with that windmill? Totally goat!
by ThomasCock April 5, 2015
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Alternating Current
Your Horny current is alternating, you swing both ways.
also known as "bi" or "bisexual"
"that guy had a girl on one arm and another guy on the other, he musta been AC.
by ThomasCock August 29, 2010
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God complex mixed with self-loathing.
Emily: Have you heard of ventislyr.e?
Jessica: Shut up, Emily!
by ThomasCock September 9, 2021
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When any number of Unitarian youth attending the summer camp Unirondack lock themselves in the only bathroom on lower camp and engage in various forms of group-conducted sexual activity.
Male 1: Hey! Lets go get Randy in the Randy!
Female 1-6: HELL YES!
Male 2-6: aww yea man! Lets get RRRANDY!
Counselors: Get the condoms! Code Randy in the Randy! Thunderbirds are go!
by ThomasCock August 29, 2010
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