9 definitions by This_Is_Not_A_Name

A diarrhetical sauce for pasta, rice etc
Want some Buttocks Curry for dinner?
by This_Is_Not_A_Name June 13, 2010
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A party formed in the year 2010 to raise the issues of sex and how it could be much cleaner and accepted.
'Vote for The SOFA Party'
by This_Is_Not_A_Name April 19, 2010
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1. rare insult used against someone saying they eat condoms (whether used or not is not normally specified)

2. used to describe someone who doesn't use condoms
1. 'You eat out of dustbins!'
'You're a condomeater!'

2. Guy: 'Do you have a condom?'
Girl: 'Dude, I'm a condomeater'
by This_Is_Not_A_Name January 17, 2010
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When a General Knowledge quiz etcet have answers that require a lot of depth, it can be just called 'Knowledge' since the generality is lost.
Not looking forward to this weekend, the infamous Tennis Club General Knowledge Quiz is happening, and my brother and sister-in-law and wife all want to go.
You mean the 'Knowledge' quiz?
by This_Is_Not_A_Name March 24, 2012
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When something annoys you, it disassembles your scaffolding. If your scaffolding has been disassembled, it can mean you're in a bad mood.
Do you know what really disassembles my scaffolding? Pigeons. They disassemble scaffolding for a lot of people, I know, but they truly disassemble mine. Fucking pigeons!
by This_Is_Not_A_Name March 24, 2012
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When a picture is SO good, it is called a profile pic
by This_Is_Not_A_Name April 19, 2010
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To talk really fast but with regular longish pauses.
'I... wannastopthosecriminals...but...ireallycantdoanythingaboutit'
'Wow, you talk in Clegg speak'
by This_Is_Not_A_Name April 19, 2010
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