1 definition by Thinkbefireyoujudge

A way of getting rid of an unwanted or potentially dangerous baby

Think about it like this, imagine that you got given some seeds for lets say, a rose for your birthday. Now you have a tiny apartment without anywhere to plant anything. Or they were given to you by a person who stabbed you in the back or the seed turn out to be diseased and by planting them they woukd die anyway or you dont have enough money to pay for the upkeep, food, protection ect of them . It is not murder to get rid of the rose seeds.

They may of had a life but you just really really cant keep them. It breaks your heart not to be able to keep them and use them and have a beautiful rose/roses but you can't.

This is the same as abortion there is a million more reasons than what i wrote before millions more valid reasons that you dont even know. Yes it is not great to abort a baby if you are able to have one without any problems but just dont want a child, as you could put it up for adoption but if you cant have a baby, maybe your too young, maybe you have no money, maybe you got raped, maybe it was incest, maybe it was a million more reasons.

So before you judge and hate think that it's not your body and you dont know the situation
Abortion is not a bad thing.
by Thinkbefireyoujudge May 23, 2018
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