5 definitions by TheeScribe

A pseudonym used for the company “Lancer Tactical” that make airsoft products. The name came about due to the consistent unreliability of their Airsoft guns.
Lancer tacticals are about as reliable at firing as a Cancer Testicle is at nutting, and they both shoot equally far
by TheeScribe May 1, 2020
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A form of sexual act where one partner pulls out a Tazer mid way through, without alerting the other partner, before firing or jamming it into the still moving penis, electrocuting both partners. The name comes from the belief that only girls from Cork City, Ireland, would be open to such an activity without prior consent.
She surprised me with the ‘ol Corkonian Cock Conductor two weeks ago, my dick still tingles every time I walk.
by TheeScribe May 1, 2020
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We ran out of vodka, so we had to use the last resort, so we went to the medicine cabinet and got out the Rubbing Alcohol
by TheeScribe April 30, 2020
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A shortening of the term “Jack Daniels”, a Tennessee brand of whisky. Generally this term is used only by edgy kids or people with crippling depression. Or both.
My only friend is Jackie D’s, onlyyy youuuuuuu
by TheeScribe April 30, 2020
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A sexual act involving a male performing cunnilingus on a female, before inserting his penis in an active light socket, shocking them both.
Oh, I gave Stacy the ‘ol Oklahoma Zapper last night, she came but all I got were third degree burns all over my dick
by TheeScribe May 1, 2020
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