9 definitions by Theaphelia

An emoticon that is used by:

1. delusional 15-year-old Inuyasha fangirls

2. 40-year-old Wapanese men who want to be TEH JAPANEEZES

3. Crazy anime fanbrats, or

4. Morons

to denote amusement, happiness, or friendliness.
OMG ur neko ears are sooooo teh KAWAIII DESUUU ^______________^

I R CLOUD I SUMMON CHIKENZ ^______________^

by Theaphelia August 13, 2006
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A phallus. Are typically around 6-7 inches long.
Penises: they're fun to suck!
by Theaphelia November 19, 2004
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Yet another thing that humans will create to overpopulate our dying planet.
Once we perfect the artificial womb, we can have babies and never worry about population-controlling, weak baby eliminating factors such as disease and birth defects! Isn't medical science great?
by Theaphelia October 6, 2004
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Boromir, older brother to Faramir, and the eldest son of Denethor.

He was a member of the fellowship, until Lurtz killed him. Because he tried to take the one ring, many people believe him to be one of the 'bad' characters, and he is often portrayed as the chauvanist or sarcastic jerk in fanfiction.

The truth is that he was used by Tolkien to show that anyone, even those with the best of intentions, or the strongest of wills, could be seduced by the ring's power.

And no matter what anyone says, even if they say what he did was dishonorable, he redeemed himself in the end by sacrificing himself to try and save Merry and Pippin.
I am tired of Legolas/Aragorn/Frodo fangirls writing romantic fiction about how Boromir was dishonorable; they obviously haven't read the books or can't analyze characters very well.
by Theaphelia March 4, 2004
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A flower that comes in a lot more colors than just yellow or red. They also come in pink, violet, black, white, cream, maroon, orange, red shades, and multicolors, which are usually a mix of white and some other color. They also have miniature roses, which come in the same colors, only they are about a quarter of the size of actual roses. Some roses grow on bushes, some grow on vines. Others grow on 4-foot tall trees. There are single bloom roses, which have less petals than the more widely known double-bloom roses. Roses are often given to people you care about.
They smell pretty too.
by Theaphelia June 29, 2003
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A true band, not like other bands who are all made of people who can't play instruments. Their vocalist is awesome and hot, their guitarist and their drummer kick ass, and their songs are beautiful. They don't sing about God, really, and the guitarist doesn't believe in organized religion, anyway.
They sing songs about happiness and inspiration, and recovering from hopelessness, even though most of the melodies are very dark-sounding.
by Theaphelia September 14, 2003
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Diversity is okay in small amounts. Cultures should keep to their place of origin, and not be forced onto other people when an immigrant comes to town.
If I want to put up easter decorations, I will, and none of this politically correct "celebrate diversity" bullshit is gonna stop me.
by Theaphelia June 28, 2003
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