8 definitions by TheRealSlamB36

what you should be doing right now
i am not an idiot. you know what homework is. now stop wasting your time on urban dictionary and get back to it.
by TheRealSlamB36 May 11, 2020
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a white, middle-aged, suburban, egotistical, usually racist lady who has a low tolerance for other people and has a thing for managers
starbucks employee: "ma'am please have your dog wait outside while you order"

karen: "eXcuSe mE, this is my emotionaL suppOrT aNiMaL"

starbucks employee: "ma'am i'm really sorry, it's store policy"

karen: "that's very diSresPecTfuL of you to say YOUNG MAN! CAN I SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER??"
by TheRealSlamB36 February 2, 2021
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a dictionary website that used to be useful but is now only used by teens who are procrastinating.
person 1: what r u doing rn
person 2: i'm bored so i'm looking at random definitions on urban dictionary
person 1: k have fun nErd
by TheRealSlamB36 February 11, 2020
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PE teacher: "get ready for the pushup fitness test"
me: "can we do knee pushups?"
PE teacher: *looks at me like I'm insane* "uhh... no..."
me: *gets down on mat, now looking stupid*
PE teacher: "ready, set, go!"
me: *does 2 half pushups before collapsing*
me: *continues to lie facedown looking dumb af, waiting for the other kids to finish so I can leave*

this is a true story
by TheRealSlamB36 May 14, 2020
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Reference to a vine that went viral, the phrase is used when someone is very confused.

The full vine goes like this:

"So I am confUshun! Why is this one KANSAS, but this one is not ar-KANSAS?!? AMERICA, EXPLAIN!! EXPLAIN!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN, ARKENSAW?!?!?!
"This is your math homework: all you have to do is find the square root of the cubic root of x to the fifth power plus half of y divided by z and then multiply the whole thing by y.

ME: "So I am confUshun!"
by TheRealSlamB36 October 21, 2018
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The most addictive game in the world, impossible to win. Mostly played instead of doing homework.
3:00 PM
1: What r u doing?
2: playing 2048

4:00 PM
1: wanna go get some food with me?
2: when I finish playing 2048

1:00 AM
1: r u done with your homework yet?
2: what homework?
1: the one that's due tomorrow 1st period
2: F***ing s*** 2048!!!!
by TheRealSlamB36 May 13, 2018
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