1 definition by TheOneAndOnlyPrincess

A very useless piece of shit that overprotective and over-controlling parents put on your computer because they're scared that you may put viruses on it, causing you to loose, in their own words, "very valuable information" that they don't want you to fuck up. You can't see hardly any innocent sites, like this one, or, for all you boys out there reading this, porn. Parental controls also have time limits that say when you can be on the computer to when you can't. But, if you're using Google Chrome, you can easily bypass the fact that you can't download anything. But, unfortunately, you can't go to the blocked websites or not have shitty ass time limits. :(
"If You Stop Going To Sites You're Not Supposed To Go To, MAYBE We Might Take Parental Controls Off. But It Also Depends If you're Being Minding And If You're Doing What You're Supposed To Do And Not Be On Shit You're Not Supposed To Be On." ----Your Evil Mom And Dad

Parental Contols Is Tourtcherous Hell.
by TheOneAndOnlyPrincess June 15, 2012
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