40 definitions by The Evil Steve

1) (rare) one who strives to attain the ideals of communism (see cako's spot-on definition)

2) (common) impotent jibe intended to put down a non-like-minded person. Insult had some impact during the Cold War-era, but so did Styx.
1) True communists are idealists who truly believe humans can transcend selfishness. Then the weed wears off.

2) There is a 99.5% chance that Rush Limbaugh would call you a communist.
by The Evil Steve August 10, 2005
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Have you been touched by His Noodly Appendage? Then put on your pirate outfit and join the Pastafarians!
by The Evil Steve August 31, 2005
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A hopefully unintentional display of buttcrack. See also "hillbilly cleavage" and "plumber's smile".
"Yo, Steve - nice craction you're flexing there. Now I see where you store your extra pens."
by The Evil Steve August 23, 2006
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The act of getting intentionally obliterated by alcohol in pursuit of a good time. More thorough than "going out for drinks" - you know damned well you won't be driving home from a proper piss-on.
Girl: "Why did Larry just drop his keys in the fish tank?"

Guy: "He's been looking forward to this party all week - he pegged it as a piss-on on Wednesday!"
by The Evil Steve August 5, 2005
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1) A completely out-of-context shitty thing to do or say, especially from an unexpected source. From the elderly phrase "bolt out of the blue", but modified with skidmarks for flavor.

2) (driving) Some asshole coming from out of nowhere to bust your chops (cut you off, tailgate and honk, etc.)
1) Our night out was pretty bangin' until Chess Club Bill dropped that ear-splitting N-bomb at the bar. What a bolt out of the brown!

2) Jesus! Where did this pissed-off horn-addicted Excursion-driving dickhead getting all up my tailpipe materialize from? This fat bastard was a bolt out of the brown!
by The Evil Steve June 2, 2007
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