A line of fecal matter in your underwear that varies in thickness from thin to meaty. Usually a result of poor asswiping skills.
by Tizzle Foshizzle ©2002 February 25, 2004
"Dude, this guy took the biggest crap so I flushed the toilet and their were skid marks left behind!"
"Nasty, dude!"
"Nasty, dude!"
by rangerstilidie1872 December 5, 2013
1. burned rubber marks left by tires peeling out
2. the thin brown line in your undies, especially tightie-whities, caused by insufficient wiping
2. the thin brown line in your undies, especially tightie-whities, caused by insufficient wiping
Your skid marks and itchy butt don't just happen kids. You need to wipe better. Don't wipe your heiny with your underpants!
by Mandingoh November 29, 2004
Shit stains left on the butt area of the underwear.Do to a wet fart,diarrhea,or an incomplete wiping of the butthole after defecation.
by MmmmdoubleuW May 27, 2015
used to describe the brown marks in unwashed tightey whiteys belonging to someone who just couldnt hold it. or, alternatively, they had an all day wedgie.
by zappafreak May 24, 2004
1. burnt rubber marks left on tarmac when peeling out with a fast, powerful car
2. poo stains left on underwear when ass is not properly wiped hershey highway
2. poo stains left on underwear when ass is not properly wiped hershey highway
1. That porsche left skid marks on the road.
2. I was taking a shower and noticed skid marks on my underwear.
2. I was taking a shower and noticed skid marks on my underwear.
by Jin Kim April 25, 2003
Skid Marks in ur undies: Usually smelly poopie turd. May vary in color.
Skid Marks on things u sit on: Could be blood from women who sit on the seat cover while they are on the rag, can also be poopie turd.
Skid Marks on things u sit on: Could be blood from women who sit on the seat cover while they are on the rag, can also be poopie turd.
by XratedMaiden December 5, 2002