38 definitions by The Colonel

AKA Gynecological Porn. Pornography that focuses on the woman's vagina. This can range from poses where the woman is simply spreading her legs in every image, to extreme closups of, and practically inside, the vagina.
This chick is spreading her pussy lips in every picture. It's full on Gyneconography.
by The Colonel February 27, 2007
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The numbing of one's legs after a lengthy session on the toilet (the toilet seat rim is typical applying pressure to a certain area of the upper leg that can decrease the flow of blood to the legs, causing numbness). The person will typically lose their balance when standing up to either wipe themselves or pull their pants up.
Dude, I took such a long shit this morning that I got shit legs and fell against the wall.
by The Colonel July 18, 2003
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Uneven ripples on waves (similar to a boat wake) typically caused by angled backwash during an ebbing tide. These ripples warp the wave and create an unsteady, wobbly ride (warp + wobbbly = warbly).
Dude, that wave was so warbly that I wiped out.
by The Colonel July 18, 2003
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Wilbur Kookmeyer, a popular cartoon character from Surfer Magazine. He is the epitome of a kook - can't surf worth a shit and is a complete friendless loser (except for his dog, although you get the impression that his dog thinks he's a kook, too), but loves surfing and thinks of himself as a pro-caliber ripper. Hated by all other surfers and constantly humiliating himself and behaving like, well...a kook.
Huntington Beach is full of kookmeyers, especially all those 30-something dipshits who act like locals but can't really surf worth a shit.
by The Colonel May 12, 2004
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A sockrifice occurs when a person runs out of toilet paper and is forced to use a spare sock to wipe one's bum.
Dude, we ran out of teeps yesterday and this morning I had to peform a sockrifice.
by The Colonel July 18, 2003
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v. to perform a totally cool and violent action, observable by peers

v. to judiciously kick a man, woman, child, or animal's ass

v. to maintain street credibility;
adj. for street cred
Did you see the way Stewart Chuck Norrised that fucking guy's neck? That's awesome.

Phil Chuck Norrised that cat because it gave him a look and walked across the hall.

Did you see the way Travis slapped that bitch? That's Chuck Norris.
by The Colonel March 30, 2005
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