18 definitions by ThatEvilRedhead

Gourmet, overtly complicated, needlessly difficult, heavily involved, deeply intricate, the opposite of simple & easy, requiring patience & commitment.
1)In terms of MMOBG (Massively Multiplayer Online Builder Games) Cubelands is simple, Minecraft is moderate, & Wurm Online is convoluted.

2)She found two recipes for Swedish Meatballs; a simple one using fewer ingredients that took less time that might not taste as good, & a convoluted recipe using more ingredients with a longer cook & preparation time that promised to taste heavenly if cooked properly.
by ThatEvilRedhead July 23, 2011
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The cheap lazy opposite of craftsmanship seen in lower quality bootlegs that don't even try to trick you into thinking you're buying the real thing, especially dollar store/poundland toys cast from molds of molds.
Would you look at the crapsmanship on this thing? Shoddy paint job, all the wrong colors, jagged plastic that reeks of crayon, barebones packaging, no articulation, easily breakable parts, the accessories are the wrong size, & it's a lot smaller than the original.
by ThatEvilRedhead June 16, 2013
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Original definition: Man who gets excited watching his wife whore around with other men.

Inclusion 1: Man who lets women walk all over him, both in the fetish & social/domestic sense.

Inclusion 2: Man who is dating a feminist.

Inclusion 3: Straight white man who virtue signals about Muslims, BLM, & LGBT issues.
Getting real sick of mainstream media cucks pushing their propaganda & passing it off as real news.

Zack is a hopeless masochistic cuck; he defends everyone who tells he he should be ashamed of who he is, & pushes away anyone who tells him to just be himself.
by ThatEvilRedhead April 7, 2017
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Definition 1: See post by JohnWikck

Definition 2: A derogatory term for anything from memes & old Youtube Poops to vintage stand-up comedy, & classic British sitcoms, used by both "woke" youth & out-of-touch seniors who still laugh at fart jokes & think Minions was a good movie. Basically, any intentionally offensive & mean spirited humor they can't understand or take too seriously, as well as reference-based humor they are out of the loop on.
Every day both the Old Media has a new hot take on "edgy humor" while the SJWs have a new petition trying to ban it.
by ThatEvilRedhead April 5, 2019
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1)Someone who files many frivolous lawsuits against people or companies who use something he thinks he owns but legally doesn't. This is known as "Patent Trolling" & "Trademark Trolling."

2)A person who starts arguments in forums or starts a hateful forum topic.

3)A person who turns a comments section into a heated discussion that has nothing to do with the topic.

4)Hacking as a prank, sometimes referred to as "4chaning" or "Pulling a 4Chan."

5)Wikis mass publishing biased, spiteful, & false information, such as Encyclopedia Dramatica, Uncyclopedia, Conservapedia, & Metapedia.
A troll (company) sets up a bridge (claims copyrights over a word) & demands a toll to cross the bridge (wants payment for anyone using that word in one of their projects) or it will eat (sue) you.

1)EDGE attempting to sue any developer using "Edge" in the name of their game is a very well-known act of Repeat Trolling.

2)Bethesda Softworks's attempt to sue Mojang over their planned use of "Scrolls" in an upcoming game title.
by ThatEvilRedhead August 5, 2011
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Making a statement or a video that with the deliberate intention of provoking an argument or fishing for negative comments.
A few ways of trolling as a youtube content producer include effective use of bluffing, pranking, spoofing, & sarcasm, such as using hyperbole (lHateEverything), pretending to be dumb & illiterate (Our Third Life, TheGamerFromMars, & the author of My Immortal), or acting in a derogatory entitled manner (SammyClassicSonicFan & SuperMineCraftKid). The better your acting skills are, the more likely viewers are to be fooled into thinking it's genuine & make posts pointing out how stupid & wrong you are. Another method wildly used by 4chan is to get people's hopes up with a negative outcome, such as creating believable adds for a new console or fake tips to fix a phone or console that ultimately ends up breaking the device.
by ThatEvilRedhead December 25, 2015
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