18 definitions by ThatEvilRedhead

1)A very convincing crossdresser who doesn't tell you she's a he or he's a she until you've already got his or her pants off. This type of trap is usually gay, unless he thinks he's a lesbian.

2)A person who is viewed as trans by others but does not identify as the opposite gender; A boy who looks so girly or a girl who looks so butch that they are referred to, treated as, & often made to dress as the opposite gender despite countless protesting by the trap. Traps will want to use their own gender's bathroom or changing room but will often be told by others to use the other to avoid confusing strangers. This is a common Moe trope found increasingly in harem anime & manga. This type is usually not gay.
Baka to Test was the first anime where the trap of the harem actually had the best shot of being the "best girl." (Type 2 Trap).

Nishina, the trap from Kiss Him Not Me, was the first time a trap was ever a believable threat to the real boys in a reverse harem series & not just added in as a joke. (Type 1 Trap).
by ThatEvilRedhead April 16, 2017
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1) A movie that tries to make a classic film relevant by modernizing it.

2) A movie redone by the same director with changes.

3)A movie based on a book, play, or musical that imitates & does not diverge much from a previous movie based on the source material.
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory does not qualify as a remake of Willy Wonka, as they are both based on the book & are very different.

There are over 12 Alice in Wonderland movies, some based on the play, some based on the book. None of them are remakes of eachother.

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies do not qualify as remakes of the Rankin & Bass & Ralph Bakshi movies.

Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella has been remade 3 times.
by ThatEvilRedhead June 28, 2011
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Another words for Social Justice Warrior. They are the mirror equivalent to the left what the conservative far right is the the republican party.
Regressive liberals are usually people who's mental genders & sexualities are so obscure that even the LGBT didn't represent them, but they've hijacked that as well & have expanded it.

Regressive liberals are usually sexist or racist but argue that only men can be sexist & that only caucasians can be racist.

Regressive liberals value feelings over facts. They want to make words that hurt their feelings illegal. They want to force people to use their preferred gender pronouns. They want to be given respect without having to earn it.

Regressive liberals tents to be in their teens & twenties, so they're incredibly hormonal with unchecked rage & are easier to trigger than a bull in a shop that only sells red dishes.

Rather than vote for a candidate that represents their actual political interests, regressive liberals tend to vote for candidates who represent their gender, race, or sexual preference.
by ThatEvilRedhead July 3, 2016
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Fandom of anything comes in two flavors; hardcore & casual.

Casual fans enjoy the show or game or book, but usually not enough to involve themselves in debates, fanart, fanfiction, & wikis. The ones that do work off limited memory of the subject.

Hardcore fans come in two flavors; purist & degenerate.

Purist fans insist that characters in fanfiction be completely in character & that the story has continuity nods. Degenerate fans change the personalities of characters to suit their needs, especially if the plot revolves around their Mary-Sue character.

Purist fans' OCs will not be romantically involved with canon characters & will be appropriate for the setting. Degenerate fans' OCs will look & feel very out-of-place with their surroundings, be deeply involved with canon characters, dress very differently than everyone else, & have a large number of special abilities & talents.

Purists purge any speculations that cannot be proved with solid evidence from Wiki pages. Degenerates create the speculations & often continue to stick with them even after the concepts have been steamrolled by new continuity. They also slash characters who canonically are not into eachother.

Purist fanart may or may not try to mimic the look of the original, but at least keeps it clean. Degenerate fanart includes humanizing animals, animalizing humans, breast inflation, porn, bestiality, pedophilia, weight gain, gratuitous nudity, & gender swapping.
1)The more unsavory fans of Adventure Time spend all their thoughts on potential pairings while the nerdier ones keep their eyes open for Mario & Zelda references.

2)Casual fans of Peanuts fancy Marcie & Peppermint Patty as lesbians, despite their established shared crush on Charlie Brown & the fact that they were only 8 years old. Is it wishful thinking or could they just not be assed to read the comics the TV series was based on?

3)Many believe that large adult male fanbase for Friendship is Magic to be creepy, but it is actually the 12-18 year old male fans who make the bulk of the fanart you can never unsee.
by ThatEvilRedhead February 14, 2013
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