14 definitions by Teslarossa

Not supposed to be targeted towards YouTuber Pewdiepie, this is a term for someone who says something so fundamentally broken that the word "idiot" is not enough to describe them.
Person 1: Check out this necklace! I got it from the continent of Hawaii!
Person 2: Continent of Hawaii? What a lewdiepie...
by Teslarossa October 19, 2016
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Substitution to a well-known racing game called Trackmania. What really gives Maniaplanet a huge spike in popularity and ratings (at a short amount of time) is because of one thing, 3 words: High. End. Graphics. All thanks to the graphics, Maniaplanet's gameplay is better and more realistic than reality itself. It is currently under public development and their full completion will be scheduled in early 2018.
Guy 1) Trollmania sucks

Guy 2) Yeah, let's play Maniaplanet.
by Teslarossa April 27, 2013
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Guy 1) Dude, she is such a drama brahma...
Guy 2) I know right? Jesus...
by Teslarossa June 1, 2016
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A French super car company located in Alscae, France. Founded by Ettore Buggati in 1909. Ettore made a series of fast, yet luxurious automobiles until his death. In 2005, the Veyron was born, and was considered the fastest car in the world, until late 2010, in which it was dethroned by the SCC Ultimate Aero by 100 HP, then secured by 300 HP in 2012. Another stylish car was the Buggati EB110, which was produced and sold from 1991 to 1995, illustrated by an Italian descent Marcello Gadini. The Eb110 also performed in the 1996 24 Hours of Daytona. The Eb110 was also bought and was converted into a Dauer, which is a German vehicular enrichment inc.
The Buggati is the third fastest car in the world.
by Teslarossa April 23, 2013
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This death occurs exclusively in the world of online multiplayer computer games, namely Garrys Mod. This is experienced only on online servers with a lot of addons, players, and ping. This causes the entire server to freeze up, and time out many players, and crash the remaining. This is awfully similar with the recent DDoS strikes on other multiplayer games.
I tried to play Teh Build Box on Garrys Mod but we experienced The Great Lag Spike of Death.
by Teslarossa February 19, 2014
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the nicest excuse to make when you don't care how you feel.
"I'm not a therapist" is not a helpful response to the person you're saying it to. They know you are not a therapist, but at the same time, it doesn't take one to validate their feelings. It only takes 2-3 minutes.
by Teslarossa August 29, 2023
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An event where an entity from a different timeline appears in present time when it is not supposed to be.
Guy 1: I was playing Sonic 06...

Guy 2: Yeah...

Guy 1: A guy from the future came out of no where...

Guy 2: Go on...

Guy 1: ...and nearly killed Sonic.


by Teslarossa May 11, 2013
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