1 definition by TMaddox

A 'wonderful' device, surpassing the directional capabilities of the compass, finally enabling many women to drive freely. This device follows a series of similar advancements, such as power steering, power brakes, and the mini-van. This has begun to overthrow the logical reasoning that when a male and female are in the same vehicle, any male of driving age should be driving the vehicle unless intoxicated or otherwise unable to drive the vehicle.
Husband: Hey honey, why don't you go downtown to that Chinese place and pick us up something to eat.

Wife: But I don't know how to get there, We have been there at least 30 times, but I'm a women, so I just can't remember.

Husband: Don't worry, I got you this brand new GPS, it talks to you and tells you how to get to places you should already know how to get to.

Wife: Now I can finally drive outside the neighborhood without getting lost! YAY! :)
by TMaddox January 26, 2010
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