2 definitions by THEnoB

Abbreviation of Alpha Male Syndrome. A disorder, male specific, that may cause one to act irrationally so that he feels a sense of superiority or dominance above other males present in the surrounding. If two people in the same proximity have AMS it is likely a fight, verbal exchange, or sense of hatred will occur.

AMS is more commonly known as not being a bitch, having a pair of testicles, or being a man. Sometimes a person who does not have the disorder is referred to as a "pussy."

It is common for those who have AMS to state the abbreviation after something that is very "alpha" either occurred or was spoken about.
"Damn, look at Rich. He doesn't take shit from anyone."

"Yeah bro, I heard he's got AMS."


"You fuck that girl last night, Kevin?"

"Sure did."


"Hell yea, mofo. AMS"
by THEnoB June 16, 2014
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"Did you hear Jeff won $100 on a lotto?"

"Yea man lucky pick, he bought the porky bacon."
by THEnoB May 16, 2014
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