9 definitions by TAD

YEOVIL TOWN !!!!!! We love u!!!!!!!
wow the best place in the world is Yeovil town!
by TAD November 9, 2004
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Meaning that you/it is HORRIBLE!
Man...that nigga is garbage
by TAD October 6, 2004
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A misspelling of the actual word "Clique"
Man, I wish I knew how to spell. Sometimes I don't spell things correctly like when I write "clik" instead of "clique".
by TAD February 4, 2005
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so undescribably lame that it hurts
that is SO charlton
by TAD January 5, 2004
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When a woman has breast implants and her nipples become extremely large, and become puffy
Rachel had a boob job last month, and damn man, she got some muffin tits.
by TAD March 4, 2005
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n. The quality or state of dog; sloppy.
*see sloppy dog, sloppy dog bomb ass head
"The mintocity of it enabled new schools of thought on saliva."
by TAD January 22, 2008
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to pilfer, to take something that one perceives as off-limits, especially as related to food or beverage consumption.
I totally snarfed those cookies you left on the table.
by TAD December 23, 2004
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