24 definitions by Supermanchild

A chemical derivative of opium that is used in modern day medications for the relief of moderate to severe pain. Because it acts directly on the brain and spinal cord, it most definitely causes a state of euphoria when taken in slightely greater doses (ex.-three tablets instead of one). But, in contrast, it is classified as a narcotic, and therefore can be highly addictive.
(opinion)- I've been around the block a few times, and the only drug for me is hydrocodone. And any relative there of. That shit is frickin' awesome, yo! Er... but is does suck how boring life is when you don't have any. Know what I mean?
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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Short for pornography, porno is the portrayal of any and all sort of sexual acts and quirky fetishes on any form of visual media. Used for the sexual arousal of either member of the human sex, porno is one of/most definitely (for all I know) the most popular form of mediation and source of sexual deviance.
(opinion)- Though I personally think pornography is in no way whatsoever a form of art or justifiable in any way, there is no denying that it plays an important role in curbing society's surprisingly erratic sexual tendancies.
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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1. By many standards, a sexually attractive person. But due too one or more generally unnatural fetishes and habits, is not accepted or understood (or liked) unanomously by the populous.
<see necropheliac, incestual, chronic masturbater, concensual deficator, etc.>
2. A comical and pornographic comic strip filled with characters matching the description in def. #1.
1. "Melissa? Dude, she likes to make guys eat her shit!"/"Man, that melissa is one sexy loser."
2. (opinion)- Wow! Sexy Losers is the funniest fucking comic ever! ... And the writer is almost certainly going straight to hell! That sick fucking genius bastard, shooting suck in reprisal!
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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A sexual fetish involving the portrayal and dress of traditional circus clowns.
(see Sexy Loser)
I get my my face paint, purple wig, and red jumpsuit on before I even consider cracking her gash! That's how I get off, baby!
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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1. The theory that everything that happens must happen; that you can't save one thing without destroying something else. Coming from the idea of a butterfly caught in a spider's web. You can't save the butterfly without killing the spider (through violence or starvation).
(Also personified in the more popular saying, "Live and Let Die")
2. ... Also the name of a movie that portrays the previous definition. Er, I think. I haven't actually seen it. Is it any good? Excuse me if I don't hold my breath...
Stopping the bombing of Hiroshima would most likely have the butterfly effect that would have costed a multitude more lives.
(Please excuse the politically incorrect referance. My most heart-felt apologies go out to anyone particularly connected the the incident portrayed in this example.)
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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The ritualistic abuse of ones private parts. Prefering self pleasurement over actual intercourse. Foresaking all others over his personal desires. I.E. is willing to masturbate whenever and wherever said person (male or female), is at the specific moment and time.
(see- sexy loser)
Kid #1: "... Damnit Eric! You don't do that in the ball pit at McDonald's!!!"
Kid #2: "Screw you, cumchugger!!" FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP...
by Supermanchild January 3, 2004
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A sexual position wherein the male, while inside the female, grabs his 'partner' and proceeds to roll her on her side. A technique used to get full penetration and a more interesting sensation as the penis gets twisted ever slightly in the process.
Many of you have likely used this position and didn't know that it was a position.
Kid #2: "J.R., where do you come up with this stuff? (sicko...)"
J.R.: "Um... uh, I heard it from a friend. (Shit, I hope they don't think I'm some kind of sicko. Or sex fiend.)"
Kid #1: "Question! Can you do this with any pair of peoples?"
J.R.: "No!!! Just a man, and a woman!!!
... Or maybe two lesbians with a high priced strap-on. BUT THAT'S IT!!!"
by Supermanchild January 4, 2004
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