19 definitions by Striker122

1. To get beat up or punched in the face.

2. A type of movies that portrays real people actually getting murdered, tortured and raped.
1. Jay snuffed that wannabe thug in the face.

2. I've heard that snuff films are actually a myth.
by Striker122 November 30, 2009
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A desperate 20 year old, male college student who adopts feminism just so he can impress women and get laid. They are usually virgins.
Feminist Fairy: All men are evil! They should all be castrated!

Ben: Shut the fuck up you feminist fairy!
by Striker122 December 5, 2009
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Guy 1: I want to watch porn on YouTube but YouTube doesn't allow porn! What do I do?

Guy 2: Go to Hot 4 Tube. It's the porn version of YouTube.
by Striker122 July 17, 2009
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A crazy succubus who finds cutting the testicles and penises off of men sexually arousing.
Stay away from that feminist. She will cut your balls off and eat them.
by Striker122 March 31, 2010
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The only country in the world that has masturbating contests.
A guy masturbated for 9 hours during a masturbating contest in Japan.
by Striker122 July 30, 2009
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