4 definitions by StormieGirl1850

A crazy girl who always leaps before she thinks and never regrets anything unless it threats her friendships. Kyver never will be an overachiever but at least can pass a history test. She will never think in vain and is always the disco at a party and the one awake til' 12 at sleepovers. Kyver is impossible to live without
Gee that Kyver didn't sleep last night and was glowing all night
by StormieGirl1850 April 3, 2018
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Jazmyn is a quirky, crazy girl sometimes acts without considering the consequences but will never leave anyone out (or alone for that matter) though she is amazing and can bounce back from anything (including bricks walls). Jazmyn is a wonderful girl with just a little too much energy but never too much spirit, but will always get a little worked up if she doesn't get the last piece of chocolate cakes at parties. She will never stop believing she is a unicorn in disguise.
Did you see Jazmyn she went through a brick wall chasing a piece of chocolate cake screaming will you marry me.
by StormieGirl1850 May 22, 2018
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A person who comes to school on crutches and people call them crippled whenever they are around
by StormieGirl1850 November 2, 2018
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Jaz is a unicorn in disguise
Jaz to so majestic
by StormieGirl1850 November 2, 2018
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