2 definitions by StevetheSteeeve

Repeating something to the point of drowning everything else out. Be it a word, sentence, paragraph, an entire book, jibberish, pictures, emails, a type of email (unsolicited), and/or many other things including those that have yet to be invented. This can be in a chat room, email, instant message, text message, online game chat, forums, in person, etc... etc... etc...

The origin of SPAM is a Monty Python skit about spam (the canned meat). Where the Vikings end up drowning out the dialog singing about spam.
Man: Well could I have her spam instead of the baked beans then?
Waitress: You mean spam spam spam spam spam spam... (but it is too late and the Vikings drown her words)
Vikings: (Singing elaborately...) Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!
by StevetheSteeeve January 25, 2016
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The reasoning behind someone being able to consume a large amount of food or drink.
John: How can Steve eat so much!
Jim: He's got a hollow leg.
by StevetheSteeeve January 25, 2016
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