2 definitions by Stess_90

The sexual act at which a male/female inserts a long enough double-ended dildo into one's mouth as well as their rectal cavity creating a "handle" like connection between mouth to ass. While listening to "The People's Court" theme song, the sexual partner will then lift the handle and walk around the room as if entering a courtroom and drop the briefcase.
Man - Hey, I've been feeling pretty BUMMED. I was hoping you'd be able to give me the briefcase tonight?
Woman - Absolutely honey, I will get the DVR up with the most recent "The People's Court"
Man - Thank you! I really need to get dragged around
Woman - It's my pleasure, I love carrying you around.
by Stess_90 September 14, 2020
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the act at which one places their communication device in close proximity to their anal cavity at a time they need to flatulate.
Nate - ***DOOOOOOOO*****
Nate - Oh yeah that smells like shit!
Joe- Good I hope you choke on it when you try talking to me
by Stess_90 September 14, 2020
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