14 definitions by Staifreak

The blue plastic carrier bag that you carry your cheap alcohol home in.
Mate, are you going up the road? Don’t Forget your jakey bag
Awe, cheers mate, I’d be fucked without it!
by Staifreak March 24, 2018
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Someone in a work environment who bursts into tears at any moment of the slightest confrontation.
Relates to Johnson’s “no more tears shampoo
What is up with Johnson’s baby now?
- Oh, I️ told her I️ couldn’t help her out with a spare bottle of stoli!
- FFS! Again?
by Staifreak March 13, 2018
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Remain calm.
Comes from the Italian of “stai calmo” meaning “stay calm
Mutated from Stai freaking calmo ( so as not to swear in public and shortened)
“Where’s that fucking fifty quid I lent you???

“Staifreak eh, told you I’ll sort you out tomorrow!”
by Staifreak July 1, 2018
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That girl with the blue hair no one knows that got invited to a house party that turned into a complete loon.
Mate, I thought you took Blueheid up the road?

Mate - yeah but she followed me all the way back - fucking raging!
by Staifreak March 13, 2018
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Exceptional breasts.
Taken from the word “chebs” sounding like “chips” used as a code so as not to be caught checking them out.
Albert Bartlett has arrived on table 20.
by Staifreak March 13, 2018
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Getting ridiculously drunk to the point where you injure yourself and obliterate your surroundings as demonstrated by Denzel Washington’s character in the movie “Flight
What happened to you last night.
Fuck knows man, must have engaged flight mode!
by Staifreak March 13, 2018
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Used as a connotation for telling the truth.
Relates to a question of whether a sandwich had be in the fridge all day and whether the answer was truthful.
Can then be used to test the honesty of any answer.
There’s a sandwich out back for you mate.
Anthony, is it in the fridge?
Anthony,....is it in the fridge?
by Staifreak March 24, 2018
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