3 definitions by SquidgyWidgy

Your turn you cat to 30 degrees and wait for it to fall asleep then you pick your cat up swiftly and put it on your dick. Then you scream yeehaw because your cat can't and ejaculate into the rectum.
by SquidgyWidgy December 29, 2021
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A man and a woman suck each others buttholes out until a loud popping noise is produce they swap and competed to make the loudest sound. Whoever wins gets to lick the cats urethra
The suck trade is committed commonly in Tennessee
by SquidgyWidgy December 29, 2021
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A man puts his finger in the woman's vagina held in place with a vice. The man keeps it there until his finger nearly looses it's circulation and then they stop.
by SquidgyWidgy December 28, 2021
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