26 definitions by Spirit-Chickadee

A supposedly extraordinary event, experience, or game plan. When describing something as a rocket to the stars you believe it will result in a very rewarding outcome.
by Spirit-Chickadee December 5, 2010
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May refer to an item for sale that isn't worth selling, or to describe someone who is particularly tight-fisted when it comes to money.
Ha! I wouldn't give you a nickel or a dime for that lot!
by Spirit-Chickadee December 5, 2010
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Ladies have eight fingers - not counting their thumbs - men meanwhile have nine!

Unlike the others the ninth finger isn’t located on either hand but instead can be found on a region just south of the belly button.

Unlike the other fingers it is abnormal in size and appearance, there is no finger nail, and when correctly stimulated limited excretion of a white milky liquid may occur.

The existence of the ninth finger has stumped clueless female virgins for millennia!
by Spirit-Chickadee December 6, 2010
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Someone who has been smoked has either been taken advantage of and then discarded, or left to take the blame for something they weren’t actually responsible for.
I've been smoked! Now what am I supposed to do?
by Spirit-Chickadee December 7, 2010
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Any group or assembly that claims to be righteous, peaceful, and open-minded when in fact they are immoral, spiteful, manipulative, and controlling. In the case of an actual church refers to a ministry of people who despite their claims do not actually uphold the philosophies of Christianity or any other religion.

However, in most cases it is used only as a metaphor and may be used to describe anyone.
The high school cheerleading squad is just another Church for the Wicked.
by Spirit-Chickadee December 6, 2010
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Quite simply – I scratch your back, you scratch mine! Offering something to someone in exchange for something they can give you in return.
Tell you what mate. Shaver for a favor. I do this for you now, you'll take care of it all next week. Deal?
by Spirit-Chickadee December 5, 2010
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A very small, but usually reasonable, quantity of something. Used metaphorically it should not be compared to the actual worth of a nickel.
A nickelsworth of sweets will keep the kids happy for a while
by Spirit-Chickadee December 5, 2010
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