2 definitions by Spanishlove

Typically females that think their lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" or “fat” when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude. Incels have little to no self awareness; even when they see other "ugly" girlfriends with men, they consider these women to be whores who simple settle for whoever. They’rerespectful to women and men are attracted to their personalities, but incels cant comprehend such a phenomenon, they believe that men owe them sex, and many of the more extreme incels like to spend time in incel communities on the internet where they complain about attractive females and how males should lower their standards and just mate with any willing female. They often come up with ways to coerce men into having sex with them (often involving genocide of people of color, genocide of "Brittany’s" (women who have sex), taking rights away from men, date raping them, having sex with men’s dead bodies, and other horrid, disgusting things. they cant understand that that is PRECISELY why men want nothing to do with them).
Liza is such an incel. She is always going on and on about how men don’t fuck her because she is chubby. In reality she is not only fat, tall, ignorant & smelly, but a femanist nazi who only views men as social beings created for sex & providing a life for them. Steven told me that her vagina smells of hot garbage even after she showers. She is so jaded that she even takes to the internet to create inaccurate posts & definitions for the soul purpose of degrading men. What a gross incel
by Spanishlove October 30, 2019
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Gods most beautiful yet disasterous creation. A human with (XX) chromosomes.

Characteristics include emotional instability, insecurity, impulsivity, illogical, submissive, incongruent thoughts & actions & co-dependence.
Man, I stopped dating my last female because she was bat shit crazy! She was always accusing me of cheating when I wasn’t, bitching at me when I left the house to play a round of golf, and told me she loved me inside the first month of knowing each other!

Yep, females man.

That female shouted “equal rights” as she attacked the man, yet cried assault when he defended himself in smacking the fuck out of her.

Yeah man, perfect example of how females are illogical & impulsive.
by Spanishlove October 30, 2019
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