1 definition by Smallears

Very prudish, thinks masturbating is cheating.
Dislikes every show or movie that shows any type of nudity.
Serial pet owner.
Bland cook; thinks Swanson tv dinners are gourmet.
Lives for bingo.
Absolutely must visit mother 3x per week.
Dresses in a 90's frumpy fashion.
Has a sensible haircut.
Thinks "getting wild" is drinking wine coolers on a Saturday night.

Uses the phrases "I'm so bad" and "Delish".
Brian's wife is such a Judith, she felt icky when he watching Game of Thrones and she saw a nipple.

My Judith friend served me bologna and no name margarine sandwiches for lunch.... then she fucking had the nerve to exclaim "Delish!"
by Smallears May 25, 2020
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