8 definitions by Sloin

SUNNY: im going to sloin joe tonight
ETHAN: are you gonna sloin his anus
SUNNY: ofc
chungus: yeah yeah whatever m8
by Sloin October 24, 2020
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an igloo for a black person. often smells like fried chicken and if it floods everyone in there will die.
sunny: i live in a winter wonderland
ronny: nah m8 thats a nigloo
by Sloin July 3, 2020
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chris: bro did you hear that sunny and elis had a child
rainy: yeah his name is elis de
by Sloin July 3, 2020
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this kid has a shitty youtube cannel where he records unoriginal shitty content that makes the viewer want to legitemately die. his content is so shit that i literally cry myself to sleep every night. what an absolute sket sket skunk shit ball. he also complains left right and centre and still plays fortnite 12 times a day. his mom feeds him and wipes his ass
ethan: have you seen this video it is actually bad
ismail: yeah it was made by rohethan sasitharan
rohethan: shut up ethan ure jaunty
by Sloin June 30, 2020
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tall, very very jaunty. uber jaunty. huge neck. bigger than an apartment building. always eat protein drinks for some reason. very jaunty. edgy, very edgy teen. thicc, good at english, shit at fortnite, and sweats outs MOBAs
sunny: bro have you heard that joe played league of legends all night
ismail: yeah he is an ethan
by Sloin March 13, 2022
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I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my FUCKING wife, and he said his dick was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
chris: dude, sonic is pissing on my wife
rainy:yeah yeah wise guy
by Sloin July 3, 2020
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kid who plays fortnite 3 times. anytime you talk to him he changes the subject to malachite, for which he farms for all knight. fortnite save the world sunbscribe to ossicclaws jaunty nignog fell pop weeen fortnite night night shit poihgvdfck
sam:m8 do you know how much malachite i have
chris: m8 shut up your sam evans
by Sloin July 3, 2020
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