5 definitions by SkoalReaver


any brown skinned immigrant of the hispanic persuasion
Hey! that bondo covered van full of tortilla pilots just cut me off. Call immigration!
by SkoalReaver August 6, 2008
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any mexican, central american, south american person
This neighborhood would be nice if there were not so many tortilla pilots living here.
by SkoalReaver September 28, 2009
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verb: meaning to have sex on the floor. Noun version is floornication
Man her ass is so fine I want to throw her down and floornicate with her
by SkoalReaver October 5, 2009
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Why are there 300 lubricanos hanging around home depot looking for day labor?
by SkoalReaver September 28, 2009
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n: The pink gooey substance that leaks out of a menstruating woman after you spunk in her junk.
Shit baby, grab a towel, you are dripping pepto jizmol all over the carpet
by SkoalReaver November 29, 2010
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