4 definitions by SizesDefined

The middle of the three size classifications of the human penis, the sizes, in order, going like this:
Roy's penis is neither large nor small, rather, he has a wanker.
by SizesDefined December 2, 2016
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The middle of the three size classifications of the human penis, the sizes, in order, going like this:
Roy's penis is neither large nor small, rather, he has a wanker.
by SizesDefined December 2, 2016
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The smallest of the three size classifications of the human penis, the sizes, in order, going like this:
by SizesDefined December 2, 2016
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The largest of the three size classifications of the human penis, the sizes, in order, going like this:
Wow! John has a real Wonker.
by SizesDefined December 2, 2016
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