1 definition by SirCerulean

Verb. To build, to connect in interlocking hexagons (sacred geometry) aka Indra's Web, see Visionary Art, Alex Grey, the shapes on a pineapple, the scales on a sea turtle's arms, the lava rocks stacked at a waterfall. To connect. To build. To tap into the underlying pattern, the beat, of the Larger Consciousness, the Universe. To stack thick bricks. To make a strong structure, a vessel, for the purpose of generating sweetness, bliss, joy, honey.
After 12 years of daily meditation , Seamoure saw the pattern of the dome-home greenhouse of golden light , emulating the sea cliff cave, where they would build to grow flowers and find shelter from the elements, doing the Honey Comb part of life.
by SirCerulean May 3, 2021
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