12 definitions by Sir Captain of Wynn Bay

Most likely the greatest term for vagina today. Not since the word box has the vagina seemed so much like just an object.
I'd make use of that cram basket.
by Sir Captain of Wynn Bay April 21, 2005
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A concoction of booze, opiates, sedatives, or whatever. A more makeshift version of syrup
Can't afford that top shelf shit tonight, no siree. Gonna have to dance with janitor drum tonight.
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A staple Old Folk agressive move. Shaking the fist lets people know they are disgruntled but haven't the means to kick your ass. Directly related to the wave off, the fist shake is a time honored right for senior citizens, and adored by the young.
When I burned out in front of Old Man Stephens house, he gave me such a fist shaking that I thought he was gonna bust a jugular.
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To get mouthy with someone. To show tooth.
That broads gett'n awful toothy over there. If that hooker mouth shows tooth she's getting the boot.
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Yet another name for the male member.
pernounced: Jam-sah-kel
Wait till she gets a load of my jam-cicle.
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A double shot made with Bicardi 151 and Wild Turkey (100 proof)
If you think the 252 smells bad, wait till you taste it.
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The motion made when an individual draws back their arm and waves it towards someone with a flick of the wrist and typically an "ahhhh". A direct relative to the fist shake. This is performed when the individual has had enough of conversation. Can be performed by all age groups, however a senior discount card is a bonafied license to wave off
When I told him the coffee price had jumped a quarter, Old Man Stephens gave me the wave off and walked out.
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