20 definitions by Shumado

what you do with all gifts from grandma, or other people who are addicted to giving needless, redundant gifts: wrap it back up and give it to someone else.
Sallie: "I think I have enough potholders, pajamas, dishtowels, socks, coffee mugs, sweaters, and pocket knives to last me a lifetime"

Jason: "Just regift that junk!"
by Shumado December 23, 2010
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the person whose job it is to fire or lay off fellow employees in a company. It is usually a human resources employee, doing the dirty work for the owner or president of the company. They break the news to you, get the appropriate papers signed, make sure you clean out your workspace (not taking off with any company property), and see you off the premises.

While a company hatchet man may have some input as whether or not you get the sack, they do not make the final decision. They are acting on the boss' behalf, and such responsibilities are covered by their salary. Therefore they are like a workplace hitman, getting paid to finish people off for the higher ups.
Bill wants to see me privately in the conference room.

That's never good news, he's the company's hatchet man!
by Shumado January 20, 2011
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He knows where the money comes from, who pays him his livelihood or gives him the most personal gain. Used to describe how money concerns often rules people's decisons despite their feelings or personal opinions. No matter what people pander, they will not bite the hand that feeds.
He may gripe about his boss and talk about starting a new career, but he knows which side of his bread is buttered.

Corporate America may not like Trump's sexist statements, but they will still vote for him because after all, they know which side of their bread is buttered.
by Shumado January 8, 2017
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Often describing someone who finds all their value as a human being in having a romantic relationship. If they are single, they feel like a total failure and therefore will put up with all kinds of possessive, unhealthy Mr/Ms. Wrongs to bolster their own self worth.

Often seen in high school sweethearts who date all the way through college and into mid-20s. Even though annoyed and bored with each other, they still refuse to break up because they can't stand being single.
Debbie said she always knew Jason wasn't 'the one', but still dated him for 7 years. She's as co-dependent as a barnacle.
by Shumado March 31, 2014
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a racial slur for an African American. Connotes a lazy, silly-dumb, manual laborer. Derogatory, but not as derogatory as the "n" word. You'll probably still get beat up if you use it in company.
Those blue gums up the crik eat nothin' but watermelons.
by Shumado April 10, 2015
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describing people who only care about eating, sleeping, making money, and owning crap. Very unimaginative, uncultured people with no concept of the arts, history, language, faith, travel, or why any those things should be valued. Has not visited a library or museum since the 7th grade. Doesn't know the name of a bluebird (really). Like Mr. Banks in Mary Poppins, they "can't see past the end of their nose".
Bell in Beauty and the Beast: "I want much more than this provincial life!"
by Shumado April 14, 2015
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someone who is unwilling to change, and who is prejudiced against outsiders and those not sharing their worldview.

Rednecks live their entire lives in the same area, usually rural, as there is too much diversity in cities. They tend to keep the same opinions as their parents and grandparents; family values and bigotry alike are passed down and kept alive through the younger generation. A lack of taste (in clothing, housing, decor, tv shows) is common, but not a fast rule. There are rednecks in every country, but they sometimes go by different names depending on region.
Annie Jo: "My Momma said that if God wanted black people and white people to get married, he would have made them the same color."

Allison: "Why would God care if people's skin color matched? Don't be such a redneck."
by Shumado December 24, 2010
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