2 definitions by Shpoop

Lesbian only if hot. When asked about LGBTQ rights, this is how you respond.
Guy 1: I'm gay. How about you man?

Guy 2: How can you have a cock and like cock? Fucking wack yo, that shit doesn't even add up. LGBT is bullshit it should be LOIH.
by Shpoop December 6, 2020
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Commonly found on Counter Strike: Global Offensive and social media, people who check other people's profile with no consent in order to find personal information and use it against the person.
Person 1: Dude, fuck this guy! I'm checking his profile. He's probably a little bitch.
Person 1: Hey Person 2, you live in Arizona and work at McDonalds? Fucking lame.
Person 2: Stop being a profile whore.
by Shpoop August 21, 2015
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