3 definitions by Shaowfax2020

1. The removal of the penis and testicles. (removal of the testicles alone is called Castration)

2. Metaphorically, the removal of a male ego, pride, empowerment. Making a man subservient or in a 'feminine' role.
In the middle ages, emasculation was a form of punishment and public humiliation along with being hanged, drawn and quartered.
by Shaowfax2020 January 29, 2016
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When you don't like something or someone, but can't find really describe why.

by Shaowfax2020 March 15, 2009
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To be completely and utterly 'blind-sided' by a competitor or underdog (in business or socially)
(ie: To do to someone else what Uber did to the Taxi Cab industry)
Hotels are getting ubered by Air-BNB.
I just got ubered.
Those guys better look out, they're about to get ubered.
by Shaowfax2020 March 20, 2016
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