33 definitions by Shaggy

Aiza is one of the coolest Canadian's around town. She totally owns the JT and also dominates Hanes HerWay underwear company. If you looked up the word Aiza in the dictionary you would probably find the words, "great, awesome possum, wench, wifeh, totally rad, worship her or die, etc. etc." Oh wait...you just did...
"Hey man, you know that Aiza chick?" "Oh yeah, her, dude, she's so hip she can't see past her pelvis!" "d00d."

Oh Aiza, I know her... now there's a wench!
by Shaggy April 25, 2003
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acid n.
Acid is a ridiculously powerful drug. It's measured in micrograms (that's 10 to the negative 6, kids). A few hundred micrograms is enough for a fairly decent trip that'll last between 8-12 hours.
Guaranteed to blow your freakin' mind. I strongly suggest listening to the Grateful Dead while under the influence. It is not advisable to drive or operate heavy machinery while tripping. Going to work or attending class while zonked out of your gourd is also discouraged; the fact that your pupils will swallow your entire eye is a dead give away that you're on something.
I took a few doses of acid last night... and I'm still trippin' this morning =)
by Shaggy March 25, 2004
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When someone busts open a locker and pisses on their shit.
"i am gonna bust open this kids locker and give him a Fat Mike."
by Shaggy March 9, 2005
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A stumpy/long and usually fat or skinny pink, brown or yellow sausage shaped snake that throws up when excited, usually after stroking it. The 'one-eye' is actually its mouth from where it spunks out spunk like a monkey spunky kiss it in the funky area.
by Shaggy October 7, 2003
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Man, I got these nugz for $120 a quo.
by Shaggy April 9, 2003
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penis without the p.
used to insult somebody.
hey you are the most annoying enis in the world
by Shaggy January 12, 2006
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