5 definitions by ScottyBoi67

The cowbell is the most glorious instrument ever to be created by man kind. One can never have too much cowbell
Scott "I could use a bit more cowbell in this song"
by ScottyBoi67 May 30, 2019
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When two people in public who have beards see another man with a beard and immediately have a connection. Beard bros are made purely on having a beard and nothing else
Scott- You see that bearded guy over there?
Travis- Do you mean our Beard Bro?
by ScottyBoi67 June 3, 2019
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Another term for the Drumline to be called Battery Babes the drumline must vote and have the majority of the members agree. Battery Babes are always amung the most elite of drumlines
The Kennedy drumline filled with Battery Babes!
Why does the Jefferson drumline have no Battery Babes?
by ScottyBoi67 August 5, 2019
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