1 definition by SchH3

A breed of dog developed in Germany by Captain Max Von Stephanitz. The only breed of dog that can do multiple jobs, not just one, which is why they are commonly used by police departments and for search and rescue. Many aspects of the German Shepherds' temperament and conformation are extremely misunderstood even today. They are not overly aggressive, nor do they inflict any more bites per year to other dogs and people than any other large dog breed, and IF they do so it is due to lack of knowledge and skills of people who think they deserve this type of dog as a "pet". Because of it's loyalty and bonding to it's family "pack", it can easily be made aggressive by ignorant people who train it for such and cannot handle its power. The breed needs extra mental and physical exercise. The German Shepherd Dog was developed for work on many levels. The GSD has separate lines, or different types. Working Lines, (such as the DDR), German High lines (German Show) and American Show (the common black and tans seen in such movies as "I AM Legend". Mixing of these lines is not unheard of, but not desired. The German Shepherd Dog does not require an firm hand; it requires a handler who understands it and can positively develop its power and intelligence while correcting with positive reinforcement. Several groups exist today to better the education of this outstanding, intelligent, and exceptionally loyal breed of dog.
German Shepherd Dog Club of America, SV, WDA.

My GSD is 1st cousin to Abby, the dog who played Sam in "I Am Legend". She is of working and show line lineage. We currently do schutzhund, herding, and SAR.
by SchH3 February 5, 2010
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