4 definitions by Sawa.

An acronym which stands for cause i can. A perfect reply to almost anything. Try it out sometime.
Sam: Hey man why the hell did you just punch me in the face?

Bo: cic mutha fucka
by Sawa. April 18, 2010
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An acronym which stands for 'fuck my dick'. A way to express anger, similar to smd.
Sebastion: Dude. You have to help me with my project.

Henry: You know what man? FMD. I don't have to do anything.

Sebastion: Alright man, sorry.
by Sawa. May 21, 2010
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ROFMO, is an acronym made in oakville. Its stands for rolling on the floor making out. It can be used in other ways: ROFMOING, ROFMOED etc.
Oh, my god. Did you see them ROFMOING yesterday?
by Sawa. January 18, 2010
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An acronym which stands for 'what the cunt.' Other ways of using cunt in ever day sentences are oh my cunt or holy cunt.
Alena: Oh my god! My math teacher gave me 67!

Henry: wtc?!??!
Alena: I know, what. the. cunt.
by Sawa. April 27, 2010
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