27 definitions by Sandra

ey come on ain't no one seen bringing down the house?
it means i love you
~the cool points are out and im all twisted up in your game.
~aww kevin dat's da sweetest thing anyone has ever told me
by Sandra January 20, 2004
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What John Kerry did on Nov 3rd, 2004.
"You'll never guess who conceded."
"Why, Kerry, WHY?!"
by Sandra November 4, 2004
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When something is so hard to imagine, that you just can't fucking believe it.
Did you see that jerkoff pull out in front of my car and almost hit me?!
That was just unfuckingbelievable!!!
by Sandra April 14, 2005
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City in New Jeresey. Real name is Paterson.
by Sandra March 16, 2005
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The place you go to when you die. Heaven
I want to go to Elyzium when I leave this world otherwise known as hell.
by Sandra January 30, 2004
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"can i touch your nube?"
"You have two nubes."
by Sandra April 30, 2004
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as in deja vu
got a touch of the voos mate
by Sandra February 20, 2004
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