15 definitions by STePPeNWoLFe

As this is the urban dictionary, I suppose the best definition would be 'sticking something up your arse'! More specifically and for those of a more 'technically minded' nature, it is the use of suppositories or pessaries (hence killing at least one myth, that the 'pessary' is a small bird that lives in New Zealand!..that's a cassowary).
Balanism doesn't usually have anything to do with masturbation or marsupials, contrary to popular misconception.
by STePPeNWoLFe September 16, 2006
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I'm not sure on this one, buy isn't it a shopping channel on that shite satelitte system known as 'SKY' (home to a thousand and one retarded Americanisms that gives everyone a really bad impression of everything American!)
" Hmmm, think I'll buy some nice flame retardant pearl necklaces or something...Should I go to Aberkrombie and Felch to get them?"

"No don't bother moving your fat, lazy, retarded arse just QCD them off of the telly!"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 17, 2006
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Cockney Rhyming slang. A person of the jewish faith. Derivation 'Four by two' = jew.
"I didn't know Moisha was a four by two"

"Yeah, might be a tight bastard, but at least he isn't from Bedford"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 10, 2006
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1. n. - an idle, stupid individual who believes just about anything and is a half-witted gossip.

2. A user of Urban dictionary dot com
" I'm not sure of the meaning of that I'll just check it on Urban and add a couple of slack witted defs while I'm there."

"what are you dude some kind of badaud or what? try Webster's at least it doesn't have retarded 15 year olds getting off on made up sexual innuendo"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 16, 2006
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A medium sized town in Northamptonshire, England. Used to be a one horse town until the horse was killed and eaten by the huge horde of East European scum that have infested the place lately (much like the rest of England really). The town was formerly populated by a large contingent from the Indian sub-continent, but these have mostly left, as they have realised that everyone is on to them, since those tossers Blair and Bush started their 'war on anyone arabic looking'!. Unfortunately the town has gone even further downhill in recent times due to the influx of drug dealing 'Psuedo' Africans and aforesaid East Europeans. Very few indiginous locals left in the area, and those that are all look confused as virtually no-one speaks English anymore. It's not really worth the effort of visiting, unless you are looking for a reason to feel depressed and suicidal.

The only good thing about Wellingborough is that it isn't Bedford!
Ivanya: "When I was coming to England, I was having to decide between living in Bedford or Wellingborough"

Lech: "and why were you choosing the Wellingborough?"

Ivanya; " Well I was deciding that I would not need to be learning the English in Wellingborough as they all speak the Poleska, also in the Bedford they would just be wanting me there to improve the stock in their inbred gene pool"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 10, 2006
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Any woman with a slight moustache, usually of Meditarranean or middle eastern origins. Hence the invention of the 'Habib' or veil.
"I think my wife has been using my razor on her legs again as it was blunt this morning"

"Are you sure, after all her family live in the Edgeware Road, she could just be baffona?"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 16, 2006
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A fat, useless 'Springer' Spaniel that has lost it's will to spring and just inhabits my sofa most of the day. Needs to go out and get a life instead of needing to be dragged off of aforesaid sofa for a walk. Also needs to learn how to do something useful instead of the lamely holding up of one paw and saying 'hello' (which he will only do for food).

Even getting a cat cannot shift this lardarse animal from it's slumber. The cat just invariably sleeps next to the retarded canine.

As a dog, this breed makes a good draft excluder! (not as good as sausage dogs perhaps?)
"Oh you appear to have a large brown turd on your sofa?"

"No, you'll have to excuse the smell. It's my spaniel Charlie. He used to be a springer, but just can't be arsed these days. That's why he failed as a police/ sniffer dog"
by STePPeNWoLFe September 16, 2006
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