5 definitions by STM

Sound uttered by the Feline Species (cats). See examples for possible meanings.
I'm not fluent in Cat, but to date it seems to mean:
1. I'm hungry, feed me.
2. Let me out, I gotta pee.
3. Nevermind, I just peed in your potted plants in the living room and sprayed your favorite recliner.
4. Let me in, I'm sorry. I'm done peeing.
5. Your in my chair.6. My ear itches, scratch it for me will ya'.
7. I'm soooo glad your home, I missed you today. (See examples 1 and 6 for reasons for being missed).
by STM March 28, 2003
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The act of defining every word in the UrbanDictionary as being or pertaining to homosexuality.

Plural: Homodictii Some one performing the act of Homodictus
There are alot of Homodictii on this website who's only contributions are Homodictus, therefore small brained and simple minded.

BTW, Being Gay is not.
by STM March 24, 2003
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After much more browsing of the U.D., it appears that I must add to the deffinition as "contributing words that pretty much pertain to any sexual act."
It appears that 80% of the words on this website are Homodictus in nature.
by STM March 24, 2003
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Adj. 1. The undeniable urge to urinate when facilities are not immediately available. V. 2. To urinate in non-designated places.
I ended up goin' chemlawn in the middle of the road cause I couldn't hold it any longer..
by STM March 20, 2003
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